
never miss a flight again

I could have gone home early today but i didnt...

I didnt because the only thing i could think about was that i wanted to see you guys and settle what i leave before the only instance whereby i could conceive this happening....

where i might get a chance to see you....

was if you decided to take the bus and flight home and we would happen to cross paths. So i stood in front of the bus station tonight, waiting like some kind of fool. Fool because i didnt even know what i was waiting for hahaha....

For something to come down the escalator? To see you? Would we even speak? I didn't even know if you were in the city today.

I didnt know if you would even take the bus if by some chance you were in the city. For all i knew you could have been at home or anywhere else for that matter. So i stood like a prize idiot...

Not even knowing what i was waiting for.

Here is my confession...
I’m Weak. So for maybe a minute or an hour or for however long it takes before my pride take over once again...

i’m going to be okay with not being okay.
And i’m going to say that i miss you and i’m going to admit that i stood in front of a airport station for over an hour tonight just because all i wanted all day was a chance to make a different again....

p/s: bubui~~


n4dh!3r4 said...

never miss the flight again or big mama gonna kill u! hahaha :))

muSHANG said...

appp...diam diam diam.. (-_-)
big mama cool like me lalala....

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