
pening lalat

went to the doc's office and blood pressure was high... im only 22 :p hekeke....
everything i have read so far says the earlier you get pre-eclamsia the worst....
should i be worried?
is it something ive done? huk2... T_T

hopez..dont worry because that just stresses out and makes things worse....
it happens to some people and some people react to being of kind...
i wouldnt stress about it...
just rest and do what the doctor says and enjoy the days~~ yoshh~~

must..just take it easy..
meditate, mellow out, don't over do and get lots of sleep....
avoid salt and drink lot of water so im flush out the system said the doc....
it will all help to regulate mine bp naturally...
im isn't so high that some behaviour changes couldn't bring me back to normal for the big day...
just do what the doctor says..remind myself huk2...

p/s: cik mesi....cik mesi...tlg cek2 ati syer gak hikiki~~ :D


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