week of denial...
i couldn't agree more....
because i realized..
that's what i did this last week...
the feeling came out... againnn....
as we expect it...
at first, is not hurt that much.....
just waiting for the letter fix it and send over again that all..its take...
i'm bit sorrow and then i'm over it...hurt is over...
but feeling stay the same...
it came to me,
just like that.
i act like it didn't happen...
i'm pretending that it does not exist....
menyibukkan diri dengan tugasan,
menyibukkan diri dengan tugasan,
rapat, tugas, tugas, dan maen2...
mencoba mengisi pikiran dengan apa aja kejaan harus lakukan, sekecil apapun....
i act like nothing happended....
nothing. and i'm just fine. but we know that its not true...
and finally, i let it out. everything. i wallowed all day....
and finally, i let it out. everything. i wallowed all day....
its almost the end of the day, and i'm not feeling better. a little, but not all...
berusaha melupakannya dengan menonton dvd....
berkeping-keping. tapi itu ga berhasil juga...
tomorrow i'm gonna wake up early in the morning and make up my room... i promise!
if i can't make this feeling go away, at least i can do is distraction....
if i can't make this feeling go away, at least i can do is distraction....
esoknye jumaat last pasti apa lagi hurm..
munkin saat ini pelu ketawa apa nanges... saja wahahaha....... T_T
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