
I wonder who I am

I noticed I never write about my trips. Or my family. Or my friends. Or what I actually do when I’m out/in.

I don’t post all those pictures I had taken. I don’t write about events that I go for. I don’t write in complete sentences, usually leaving my readers even more clueless after the post. I’m sorry if I made anyone’s hair fall out due to frustration. But you really shouldn't’t stress over the little things. Like me.

I don’t update regularly. I don’t post pictures. I don’t write crap - much. Or even if i do, at least they’re in English i try i try to do sister said my English suck hahaha...that true what. Not that I could write Chinese even if I wanted to. Or Tamil. Or hieroglyphs. Although that would be so cool..cewah...

I think a lot. But sometimes, I think to the point where I don’t know what I’m thinking.

I think I’m short hi hi..want like Europeans peoples,taller then you is enough, yet I do love my figure. You can call it vanity.
I think I’m charmingly annoying at times hahaha... Or perhaps merely annoying mostly...sometime,over reacting make people fedud huhu..
I think I’m such a genius that I used to fail maths. And science. Damn.HATE MATHS
I think I’m lucky sometimes. Especially when I actually manage to stay alive for an entire game in CS...lo like playing Resident Evil, miss console want playing this at home..
I think I’m cool. So cool I froze. act in matured all the time,so play full.always make Friend's getting hurt by me..Sorry.

Sometimes when I couldn't’t sleep, I wonder who I am? What makes me, me?

Good thing I’m so self obsessed, that no matter what happens, I’ll still love myself n biri2.

And then I wondered, do you know who you are?


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